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be your own detective- Exploring

be your own detective: List

Exploring Thoughts

Instructions: choose three questions from the list of questions below to brainstorm, jot, illustrate, outline, journal.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

  • Don’t Judge a book by its cover

  • Never give up when things get hard

  • Losing yourself is apart of finding yourself

  • Success doesn’t happen overnight

  • It’s okay to be scared 

  • Sometimes it’s okay

  • It’s okay to take a break from something and come back to it later

  • Live your life to the fullest 

  • Goals are supposed to be scary

If you could talk to a younger version of yourself, what would you say?

  • Think things through

  • Try not to stress so easily 

  • Learn to take criticism

  • Don’t be afraid to take risks

  • Don't settle for less

  • Believe in yourself at all time

  • Don’t panic 

What are you proudest of?

  • Staying in school

  • My drive for anything I do

  • Having a great hustler mindset 

  • Giving good advice

be your own detective: Text

Exploring Words

Instruction: In your exploration, think about what these words mean, how we see them, when we see them, what impact they have, what role or significance they might have, and how they might connect on personal levels.

be your own detective: Text

Explore Talking To Others

Introductions: 3 big ideas from the video, 2 questions you still have about the topic and 1 brainstormed thought you have that can push your thinking forward.


3. When someone asks in a moment of madness if “I’m happy” it's hard for me to explain how I feel because I don’t want it to seem like I'm not happy with my life but that I'm just unhappy in that moment. This video showed me how to better explain myself by saying that “yes I'm happy but right now”, I feel no joy. I learned that “Happiness measures how good we feel over time and Joy is about feeling good in the moments“

2. I realized that Joy is overlooked so much because people confuse it as being the same thing as happiness. Joy is that feeling when you are urged with a positive emotion in the moment. This is so interesting to find out because so many times I have felt joyous but described it as being happy.

1. Fireworks are a great example of something that brings joy because when you see fireworks they can make you feel excited and positive in the exact moment when you see them. 

1. I found it to be crazy how people tend to associate joy with age. I feel that there is no age limit on joy. I also believe people are childish. I think this is because of the stereotypically view that some people have of older people as being  mean and grumpy all the time. 


2. Why do people try to associate Joy with age? Are there any science proven facts that connect aging with joy or happiness?

1. Is there a way to create more Joy?


1. As I was listening to the video I started to wonder if color was connected to joy. The video later explained how some data shows that people who work around color are more friendly and how students feel more safe in colorful schools. This made me wonder if organization can play a role in Joy because I know when I walk into a neat and clean space I sometimes feel an urge of Joy.

be your own detective: Text
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