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Be Your own detective-collage

be your own detective collage: Text


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These are the materials that were given to the students so that they can complete the task.



The teacher gave students an article and a highlighter so that they can find important information.



Students are cutting out continents.



After reading the article, the teacher let students experiment with some materials. They had to cut out continents that were placed randomly on a piece of paper.

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The teacher is instructing the students on how to properly complete the assignment.

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The students used their cut out continents and glues them as they tried to figure out which spots they went in.

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The teacher explained how he was assessing the students and gave them advice on how to the the same as future teacher. He let the students learn from an article and find important information. Then, he gave the students a chance to experiment on their own while also walking them through it on a PowerPoint.

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The front of office of a nursing home.





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These are the materials that the CNA's use daily.

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This is used for therapy for some of the residents.

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The CNA's and nursing use this areas to fill out paperwork, logs, and etc.

be your own detective collage: Portfolio


This experience was so fun and knowledgeable because I never knew some of the things I found out. When I explored more about the field of teaching, I learned that as a teacher you don’t have to feel that you know everything. Sometimes, you may not know something but you can always ask advice from other teachers. I learned that you are not always the one teaching in your classroom because your students can also teach you new things. When exploring the field of a certified nursing assistant I discovered that it is not always connected to drawing blood, running tests and things in that nature. There are CNA’s who work at nursing homes and help out with elderly people which is what I was watching. These discoveries connect to one another by showing that you can always learn new things about something you want to do in life. You may not always have the answers or the experience but nothing is like learning and also there are many ways to do something. I don’t really know how to blend these two topics together but on a more specific scale there are nurses who work in schools with teachers and students. The idea of always being open to finding out something new is important with everything in life because that is what helps you grow.

be your own detective collage: Text
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