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Has the school system made any improvements since the pandemic or have things gotten worse?

investigation mixtape: Text
investigation mixtape: Music Player


The thoughts that I have learned from this experience is that there are many different views on the education system and how it connects to the pandemic. Students feel more vocal about the impact that the pandemic has had on the school system. Many students feel that the pandemic made the education system go downhill but there are still some who feel that no changes have happened due to the pandemic. Different perspectives contribute to learners because it makes them look at other sides of the story. It also shows that they can be people who can provide great evidence to what they believe which could have been a topic that you were against. As humans it helps you erase bias and judgement against certain topics when you listen to other people's views. This challenge made me think more about the effects that the pandemic has had on my thoughts and feelings about school. I now recognize in my own classrooms about how engagement in classrooms has gone down since the pandemic. Also, moving forward I want to reach out to people in the school board or teacher union to hear about the things that they are doing to make school seem as normal as possible and back to how it was before. Also, my thinking is more open-ended about people's thoughts and not just my own. This project has made me see how not only finances are still suffering from the effects of the pandemic but also schools.

investigation mixtape: Text
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