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Complete the challenge

Working progress for Investigation Mixtape project

mixtape work progress: Text

1: Awaken Your Curiosity

Directions: Take some time to think about a specific subject or group of people and jot down a series of questions that you have about your chosen focus.

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2: Synthesize and Simplify Your Questions

Directions: Now that you've thought about your focus and                   developed curiosity-based questions, what do you really want to know?

What I really want to know is   

“Has the school system made any improvements since the pandemic or have things gotten worse?”. 

mixtape work progress: Text

3: Find People to Ask Your Question and Actively Listen

Directions: With your one question, go out into the world and ask others. Start finding people that will provide time to address your driving question.

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4: Review Your Collection of Answers:

  1. ​​What BIG ideas (or themes) did you discover as a result of your investigation? 

The discovery that I made as a result of my investigation is that a lot of students feel that the school system has gotten worse since the pandemic. They feel that there has been a lot of disengagement in the classroom from both students themselves and teachers. One of the pros I discovered was that students feel that their schedules are more flexible now since the transition to face-to-face classes.

2. What other questions do you have as a result of this experience? 

As a result of this experience I wonder what the school board and education system are doing to make schools feel normal again. I also wonder if some schools have had better experience at transitioning students  to only face-to-face or if doing both virtual and face-to-face doing the school year is more beneficial and productive. I also wonder what teachers are doing to keep students engaged in learning.

3. How might these different perspectives change your view on this focus? 

This different perspective makes me change my view on this focus because as I spoke with people about their opinions it made me realize how people sometimes forget that everything doesn’t fall on the teachers. Students dealt with being stressed out from transiting their learning setting to virtual and back to face-to-face, but so were teachers because they had to change their teaching setting. Also, this perspective made me realize that it will take a lot of time until school feels completely normal again for everyone.

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